The nation's most robust printing supplies distribution network.
the world's largest online marketplace.

what is fbsw?
Fulfilled by Supplies Wholesalers (FBSW) is an integration between Amazon Seller Central and Supplies Wholesalers (SW) to provide robust automated order fulfillment for SW’s 3,000+ premium compatible printing supplies.
Using Amazon’s API, SW will automatically receive orders for fulfillment. Our facilities then pull, pack, and ship the appropriate orders to your customer through SW’s nation-leading network of distribution centers.
Tracking information is then returned to your Seller Central account to complete the order – all automatic!
SW will even handle inventory levels dynamically, ensuring that the items that appear on your store are actually in stock!
Best of all, FBSW fees are a fraction of Amazon’s own fulfillment program, saving you money as well as time.
how do you get started?
FBSW is available to all dealers within the Supplies Wholesalers network.
To find out more about adding FBSW to your existing account, or to get started as a Supplies Wholesalers dealer, contact your Sales Representative!
If you’re looking for help with your Amazon Seller Central account, please reach out to your Amazon support team directly.
For assistance with the FBSW program, email the FBSW team or give us a call at 866-817-8795, Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM PT.
Remember that the FBSW Knowledgebase contains articles to help you with many common FBSW questions, and also has helpful tips and tricks to help you get the most of our your Amazon account!