Protecting Your Brand on the Marketplace

Let’s face it. Printer and toner supplies are by no means unique. And you’re not even the only dealer selling Supplies Wholesalers printer and toner supplies. So the elements of your business that set you apart have nothing to do with the product your selling, but the way you sell it.

The unique methodologies and styles you employ to sell your goods is your brand- it’s your fingerprint in the marketplace, and it deserves to be protected. Well, Amazon has created a brand registry process to help you do just that.

Having a registered brand with Amazon provides you with a suite of benefits and features that help you protect your brand. You’ll be able to prevent other dealers from riding your coat tails, your products won’t be merged with other resellers, and more.

Amazon’s registry is a process in three steps- become eligible, sign into the registry, and enroll your brand. The first step- eligibility- is far and away the biggest. For US businesses, the eligibility requirements are listed as:

  • Trademark organization: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • Statutes: Trademark must have a live registration issued and active in the principal register
  • Text-based marks: 1 – Typeset Word(s)/ Letter(s)/ Number(s); 4 – Standard Character Mark
  • Image-based marks: 3 – An Illustration Drawing which includes Word(s)/Letter(s)/ Number(s); 5 – Words, Letters, or Numbers in a Stylized Form

In its most basic terms, in order to be eligible, you have to have an active registered trademark through the USPTO. The trademark can be either text-based (typeset words / letters / numbers) or image-based (an illustration which contains words / letters / numbers) and this trademark must appear on your packaging.

For the first part, you may want to check out the USPTO’s site for the basics on registering a trademark.

The second part- having the logo appear on your packaging- can be accomplished through Supplies Wholesalers in two ways:

  • Custom labeling. For companies that purchase at least $1,000 per month with us, we offer the ability to affix a label on to our standard box.
  • Custom reboxing. There are a number of conditions on this one- reach out to your sales representative to get the latest.

For both of these options, check with your sales representative for additional fees / requirements.

Once you’ve gone through the first step of meeting the eligibility requirement, the rest is paperwork. You’ll want to sign in to Amazon’s brand registry and enroll your brand.

For more information on registering your brand, or to get started in the process, check out Amazon’s Brand Registry website.